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America Needs Confidence In Its Voter Rolls

Fractal Delivers It

Confidence Through Transparency

Fractal Dark Money Tracking

What Is Fractal Technology?

Why Address Driven Systems Get It Done!

Undeliverable Ballot Database – A.I. driven, real time….

Fractal database – profile every location, know where ballots will land with no voter to collect them

Voter rolls, compared against each other and against
property tax rolls, constantly….

Identify every change made to voter rolls by election commissions currently hidden from dormant databases. Flag ineligible voters & locations before they are mailed a ballot….

Fractal Technology

Fractal is a new tech stack enabling application cost reductions of 50% or more, built in a quarter, running 1,000 times faster than any current technology.

How does the legislature properly audit state agencies? Fractal makes every change, to every database, fully auditable and reported – giving legislators and citizens confidence in Medicaid,
program rolls and voter rolls.


ERIC is NOT transparent and does NOT clean election rolls.  Now any state can clean its rolls, in days, and make every transaction transparent, honest and auditable.

Does someone use one name or address for Medicaid, another for WIC and a third to vote? Are there vacant lots getting PPP loans or collecting voters? Cross check every database, daily to
find out.

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